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Meet Denise 
Leadership and Service Delivering Results for Our Community

Originally from Brooklyn, NY, Denise Maris moved to Renovo in 2014 with her partner, a Renovo native and their two young children.  Denise worked as a paralegal for 15 years, working in general law including Domestic Relations, contracts, small claims court and class action suits. Seeing an opportunity to build on her Associates Degree, she began her studies at Lock Haven University in the fall of 2014.  During her time studying, Denise worked part time driving school bus for Susquehanna Transit transporting elementary school children.  Denise made sure to find time between working, being a mom and studying to get involved with several community service projects.  These projects consisted of participating in the annual Cleanscapes by helping to clean up local rivers in Clinton County, and buying gifts for needy families for the giving tree at Lock Haven University during the holidays.  In the summer of 2015, Denise helped the Ross Library with assisting seniors with their technology questions and the summer Lego Robotics program through her AmeriCorps contract.

Upon completion of her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management, Denise was able to obtain a position as a Director of Human Resources at SusqueView Home, Inc.  During her employment, Denise continued with her education journey and obtained her Master’s Degree in Health Sciences with a concentration in Health Care Management.  In addition, she is a graduate of Leadership Clinton County Class of 2018, is still very active in leadership group.   On top of all this, Denise still finds the time to continue her community service passion whether it’s helping to clean up local parks with River Towns, helping to clean up local roads with Clinton County Democratic Committee, volunteering at the annual MLK day of service, and helping to organize the Salvation Army Food Pantry in Lock Haven. Denise is also a member of the Clinton County Democratic Women, and the Leadership Clinton County Alumni Association.

When Denise saw that the people of the 76th District were not being represented as they should have been, she decided to step up. Since that time, Denise has been talking to the citizens of the district, visiting municipalities, and learning how she can help. She has a unique approach because instead of telling you what she wants, she wants to know what you need from her. She wants to know the issues that are important to the people. She believes that “If you have a problem, then we have a problem.” She wants to help find the solutions to the obstacles that our communities are facing.

If you want someone who knows what it is like to make hard financial decisions in a tough economy; someone who realizes the value of a quality, affordable education; and someone who cares about the communities and people in the 76th District, then join us in supporting Denise Maris for State Representative. She will take action and get results that will make the 76th District the best that it can be.

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